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Arrays and Objects

Syntax for creating an array

          //using new keyword with Array() constructor
          const someArray = new Array(length);

          //using static Array.of() method
          const someArray = Array.of();

          //using an array literal
          const arrayName = [];

Create an array then assign values

          const someArray = new Array(3);
          someArray[0] = "house";
          someArray[1] = "garage";
          someArray[2] = "shed";

Create array and assign values at same time

          //using new keyword with Array() constructor
          const someArray = new Array(arrayList)
          const loanRates = new Array(6.8, 12.8, 18.65);

          //using static Array.of() method
          const someArray = Array.of(arrayList);
          const daysOfWeek = Array.of(1,2,3,4,5,6,7);

          //using an array literal
          const someArray = [arrayList];
          const names = ["Tom", "Duke", "Charlie"];

Referring to element in an array

          //arrays are 0 indexed. So 0 will refer to first element in array, 1 will refer to the second and so on
          //example from names array above
          console.log(names[1]);  // output "Duke"

Get properties of an array

          length //how many elements/cells an array has
          //example from names array above

Add elements to end of an array

          const numbers = [4,5,6];      //array is 4,5,6
          numbers[numbers.length] = 7;  //array is now 4,5,6,7

          //using push method 
          numbers.push(8);              //array is now 4,5,6,7,8

Add elements to beginning of an array

          const numbers = [4,5,6];      //array is 4,5,6
          numbers.unshift(3);           //array is now 3,4,5,6

Add elements to specific index

          const numbers = [4,5,6];      //array is 4,5,6
          numbers[5] = 11;              //array is now 4,5,6,undefined,undefined,11

Loop through array

          const names = ["Tom", "Duke", "Charlie"];
          //regular for loop
          for(let i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
          // Tom
          // Duke
          // Charlie

          //for-in loop 
          for(const|let index in arrayName) {
          for(let index in names) {
          // Tom
          // Duke
          // Charlie

          //for-of loop 
          for(const value of arrayName) {
            ... //bonus: you don't even have to use the index 
          for(const value of names) {
          // Tom
          // Duke
          // Charlie

Remove element(s) from an array

          //remove one element        
          const numbers = [4,5,6];      //array is 4,5,6
          delete numbers[1];            //array is now 4,undefined,6

          //remove all elements 
          numbers.length = 0;

          //remove element from beginning of array 
          const names = ["Tom", "Duke", "Charlie"];
          names.shift();                //array is now Duke, Charlie

Destructure an array

          const numbers = [4,5,6];      //array is 4,5,6
          const[first, second, third] = numbers;
          //first is 4, second is 5, third is 6

          //example using a string
          const[letter1, letter2, letter3] = "USA";
          //letter1 is U, letter2 is S, letter3 is A 

Find specific value in array

          const cars = ["volvo", "chevy", "chrysler","mercedes"];
          if(cars.indexOf("chrysler") != -1 ) { ... }    //-1 is returned if doesn't exist
          if(cars.includes("checy")) { ... }

Filtering array

          //example- get all numbers from array less than 10 
          const array = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20];
          //using lambda, read as "const less ten equals array dot filter value such that value is less than 10"
          const lessTen = array.filter( value => value < 10);

Convert elements in array to single string

          const names = ["Sally", "Anne", "Struthers"];
          let fullName = names.join(); //fullName is "Sally,Anne,Struthers"

          let fullName = names.join(", "); //fullName is "Sally, Anne, Struthers"

          let fullName = names.join(""); //fullName is "SallyAnneStruthers"

          let fullName = names.toString(); //"Sally,Anne,Struthers"

Sort numeric values in ascending order

          const numbers = [1,14,7,6,27,3];
          numbers.sort((x,y) => x-y); //numbers is now [ 1, 3, 6, 7, 14, 27 ]

Split a string separated by spaces into array

          const fullName = "Sally Anne Struthers";
          const separateName = fullName.split(" "); //array ["Sally", "Anne", "Struthers"]

Save array object into JSON

          const chores = [];
          chores.push(["sweep", new Date("02/17/2022")]);
          chores.push(["dishes", new Date("02/18/2022")])

          //convert array to JSON
          const json = JSON.stringify(chores);
          //save to storage
          localStorage.chores = json;

Split a string separated by spaces into array

          const fullName = "Sally Anne Struthers";
          const separateName = fullName.split(" "); //array ["Sally", "Anne", "Struthers"]

Creating and Accessing maps

          const mapName = new Map([arrayOfArrays]);
          //create empty map
          const map = new Map();

          //create a map from an array of arrays 
          const names = new Map([ ["Galileio", "Galilei"], ["Rosalind","Franklin"] ]);

          //access the map 
          if(names.has("Rosalind")) {
            console.log(names.get("Rosalind")); //returns "Franklin"

Object literals (object is just an entity with "sub" parts)

          const invoice = {                 //not a class
            taxes: 0.24,                    //property
            getTotal(subtotal) {            //method 
              const salesTax = subtotal * this.taxes;
              return subtotal + salesTax;   //this = the object

          //access object with dot notation
          console.log(invoice.taxes); //output 0.24
          const amount = invoice.getTotal(100); //returns 124