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Regular Expressions

Creating Regular Expressions

          //2 ways to create regular Expressions
          //using RegExp() constructor
          const value = new RegExp("expression"[,"flags"]);

          //regular expression literal
          const value = /expression/[flags];

Creating Regular Expressions

          //2 ways to create regular Expressions
          //using RegExp() constructor
          const value = new RegExp("expression"[,"flags"]);
          const pattern = new RegExp("Lincoln");

          //regular expression literal
          const value = /expression/[flags];
          const pattern = /Lincoln/;

Testing Regular Expression Pattern

          //strings to test
          const president = "Abraham Lincoln";
          const vicePresident = "Andrew Johnson";

          //using test method 
          pattern.test(president); //true
          pattern.test(vicePresident); //false

Case Sensitivity

          //case insensitive
          //use "i"
          //RegEx constructor
          const pattern = new RegExp("lincoln", "i");
          //expression literal 
          const pattern = /lincoln/i;

          //strings to test
          const president = "abraham lincoln";
          const vicePresident = "Andrew Johnson";
          const presidentLastFirst = "Lincoln, Abraham";
          //using test method 
          pattern.test(president); //true
          pattern.test(vicePresident); //false
          pattern.test(presidentLastFirst); //true

Special Characters

          Pattern   Matches
\\ Backslash character
\/ Forward Slash
\t tab
\n newline
\r carriage return
\f form feed
\v vertical tab
[\b] backspace [brackets mandatory]

Types of Characters

          Pattern   Matches
          .         any character except a newline(use \. for a period)
          [ ]       any character in brackets (use \[ \] to match bracket symbol)
          [^ ]      any character not in brackets 
          [a-z]     any character in range of characters inside brackets
          \w        any letter, number or underscore 
          \W        any character that isn't letter, number or underscore
          \d        any digit 
          \D        any character that isn't a digit 
          \s        any whitespace character 
          \S        any character that's not a whitespace 

Example Special Character Match

          //looking for "/"
          let str = "2020 Company Etc.\nMilford, Georgia [09/2022]";
          let pattern = /\//; 
          pattern.test(str); //true

Example Charcter Searches

          //looking for four digits 
          const pattern = /\d{4}/;
          let str = "55-5555"
          pattern.test(str); //true 

          //look for cerain characters 
          let productCode = "XYZ-458-22";
          let pattern = /XY/;
          pattern.test(productCode); //true 

          productCode = "HHW-390-32"
          pattern.test(productCode); //false 

          //look for any one character from inside bracket 
          let productCode = "XYZ-458-22";
          let pattern = /XY[ZAB]/;
          pattern.test(productCode); //true 

String Positions

          Pattern   Matches
          ^         beginning of string (use \^ to match caret)
          $         end of string (use \$ to match $)
          \b        word character now followed or preceded by a word character 
          \B        word character followed by or preceded by a word character 

Search for RegEx pattern at beginning of string

          const pattern = /^Lincoln/;
          //strings to test
          const president = "Abraham Lincoln";
          const vicePresident = "Andrew Johnson";
          const presidentLastFirst = "Lincoln, Abraham";
          //using test method 
          pattern.test(president); //false
          pattern.test(vicePresident); //false
          pattern.test(presidentLastFirst); //true

Search for RegEx pattern at end of string

          //use $ at end of string /...$/
          const pattern = /Lincoln$/;
          //strings to test
          const president = "Abraham Lincoln";
          const vicePresident = "Andrew Johnson";
          const presidentLastFirst = "Lincoln, Abraham";
          //using test method 
          pattern.test(president); //true
          pattern.test(vicePresident); //false
          pattern.test(presidentLastFirst); //false

Repeating Patterns

          Pattern   Matches
          {n}       where n is number desired (use \{\} to match brace)
          {n,}      pattern must repeat n or more times
          {n,m}     subpattern must repeat from n to m times  
          ?         zero or one of the previous subpattern 
          +         one or more of previous subpattern 
          *         zero or more of previous subpattern  

Your typical phone number test

          let pattern = /^d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}$/;
          //strings to test
          let str1 = "555-556-5566";
          let str2 = "(555) 555-4444";
          //using test method 
          pattern.test(str1); //true
          pattern.test(str2); //false

          pattern = /^(\d{3}\) ?\d{3}-\d{4}$/   //? means pattern will match with space or not
          pattern.test(str2); //true 
          let str3 = "(555)554-1234";
          pattern.test(str3); //true 

          //match phone number with or without () 
          let pattern = /^(\d{3}-) | (\(\d{3}\) ?)\d{3}-\d{4}$/;  //"|" means or in RegEx   
          pattern.test(str1); //true 
          pattern.test(str2); //true